Our tennis programs are purpose-built for our community and designed to get people moving again and form long-lasting friendships and connections along the way. All fitness levels are welcome and no tennis experience is necessary to attend.
Your donations will help fund our free community tennis programs across the nation and help us roll out even more programs.
Visit www.rally4ever.org to discover our programs.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, 100% of your donation is tax dedictible. Your tax receipt will be emailed to you a few moments after you complete your donation online.
How does my donation help?
Your donations with allow for RALLY4EVER to begin new programs Australia wide to provide a place for people who are feeling 'stuck' in their lives.
They will provide
Coaches to facilitiate free tennis lessons
Equipment including tennis racquets, balls, nets and tennis court restoration in remote and rural areas.
Tea and Coffee after tennis to allow for conversations to continue and help participants to further relationships and human connection.